Hi, I'm Ben, I love my work here at TEAL, I have been with TEAL since I was a foal, my hobbies include playing with my little sister and new friend SAM, we like to play rearing up and running around, I also LOVE the hoomans to scratch my bum, please don't worry if I put my bum in your face its so you can scratch it really good! I also enjoy meeting and helping all or visitors (especially the ones that bring carrots!) |
I'm Jigsaw, I have been at TEAL for 9 years, I'm so glad I'm here as I was rescued and i now enjoy the good life, I was not sure i would like my stable but it turns out I love it ohhh and all the people that come to see me.
I'm the BOSS of the herd although some say I'm just the herd leader, with out me it would be days of just eating, sleeping and playing, someone really has to keep this lot in check!
P.S leave the carrots and bring Polo's!
Hi I'm Sam the man, I came to TEAL in February 2019, I'm very glad they rescued me as I LOVE spending time with everyone , I love it so much sometimes I don't like the children to leave, I also LOVE MUD and get as dirty as I possibly can everyday but I know the hoomans love to groom me!
We got breeze when she was just 10 months old, she was a rescued foal and the sweetest soul you could ever hope to meet, unfortantly due to her bad start in life she suffered complications with her feet and we had to say goodbye in august 2020. she will be greatly missed by everyone that was lucky enough to meet her.
Hi, were the TEAL doggies, I'm Wispa (the brown lab! or as I like to think the intelligent one) I love a cuddle and a game of fetch and a lean for the clients that like some deep pressure therapy! Meet my brother Puggsy his the brindle Pug and loves a lap to sit on, then there's my cousin Frank, well his pretty crazy when his with my sister pebbles the yellow lab but the rest of the time he likes to snuggle and attempt to get my ball, its far to big for his mouth but I'm not sure he realizes his a small Pug so instead loves playing fetch ME! |